By separating waste, we keep less residual waste. Thus, we make the waste mountain smaller. That is better for the environment. We recover valuable raw materials for reuse. They are not incinerated with residual waste. The separated raw materials are used to make new products and materials.

Separating waste saves costs

Separating waste also provides financial savings: materials such as organic waste, glass, paper, textiles and metal are valuable. For example, we turn vegetable, fruit and garden (VGF) waste and food waste into compost, and it produces biogas (green gas) and heat. Recycling and reuse is less expensive than incineration. Burning these valuable raw materials together with residual waste is not only bad for the environment, it also costs more money.

Separated waste stays separated

Everything you hand in separately in containers and at the waste disposal site remains separated. The collected materials are reused wherever possible. For example, old glass becomes new glass, old paper becomes new paper and VGF waste becomes compost. This provides many environmental benefits. And recycling keeps the costs of waste collection and processing manageable.

You sometimes hear: 'Everything goes back into one pile anyway'. This is incorrect. Our trucks collect the same raw material each time. Only if collected material is badly separated, it cannot always be recycled properly. If there is too much residual waste with the VGF, paper or PMD, for example, then unfortunately it still has to go with the residual waste and is incinerated. That is very unfortunate because raw materials are lost. Less residual waste is important for the environment and for your wallet.

Test your knowledge with the Waste Separation Quiz

Styrofoam, an empty pizza box or a broken drinking glass. Do you know what belongs in which bin? Take the quiz and find out what you already know about waste separation. At the end of the quiz, you will receive tailored advice to increase your knowledge.

To the quiz

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What about waste charges?

The waste collection charge is a pass-through of the costs incurred by Waardlanden and the municipalities to collect and process waste. Waardlanden and the municipalities do their utmost to keep the costs of collection and processing manageable. Nevertheless, the costs are rising.
> Find out why here

Separating waste for recycling is something we do together

Together with you and the municipalities, we are committed to a circular society and economy. Where discarded products and materials do not go to waste by being thrown away and incinerated. And where we reuse as much as possible. In this way, we preserve valuable raw materials. And prevent waste. Many people are already aware of this and separate their waste. That is a good thing!

We help where we can by placing and emptying containers where you can separate your waste. And we transport collected waste and materials to specialised treatment plants for recycling. Of course, you can also come to us with questions about reducing waste and separating it even better.

> Meet our environmental coaches, they will be happy to help you with tips and advice

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