Offering household waste and raw materials

How to dispose of your household waste and raw materials (gft, pmd, paper and residual waste) depends on where and what kind of home you live in.

Property type

  • Low-rise housing have three containers: for vegetable, fruit and garden waste and food waste (VGF), for plastic packaging, metal packaging, cans and drink cartons (pmd) and for paper.
  • High-rise housing Together with neighbours, have collection containers for paper and pmd.

Residential area

  • In the districts containers for glass, textiles, PMD and residual waste.
  • In the countryside are four containers at the house: for gft, pmd, paper and residual waste.

Containers at home

Where and how can you offer containers for emptying?

We empty your containers regularly. Consult the waste calendar for your personal collection days. And adhere to the following container offering rules. This will enable our drivers and loaders to empty your container properly and quickly:


Put your container outside before 7.30am on the collection day. Is your container in a different place after emptying and does it have a green card? Then please put your container where you collected it with the green card. To avoid unsafe situations and nuisance in your neighbourhood as much as possible, please remove your container from the public highway as soon as possible after emptying.

Container XV

Place your container with the opening facing the road. Then the valve opening will fall shut again after emptying and no waste will end up on the street.

Afstand boom

Place your container at least 50 centimetres away from lampposts, bollards, trees and parked cars. It is not allowed to park cars in front of the collection point on collection days.

containers max 80 kg

The lid of your container must be able to close and the container must not weigh more than 80 kilos. If the container is too heavy, the system of the  collection truck and the container cannot be emptied.

containers bijplaatsing

Do not place any waste, items or raw materials next to the container. These will not be taken away.

Thank you for your cooperation!