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Between 27 December and 13 January, residents could hand in real Christmas trees, with and without root ball, at collection locations in their neighbourhood, at the environmental street or at Kringloopplein in Nieuw-Lekkerland. At these locations, each undecorated real Christmas tree yielded a 50-cent reward again this year. The reward particularly appeals to our youngest residents. During the Christmas holidays, they could earn a nice penny by collecting as many Christmas trees as possible.

Collection results

Walking, behind bikes and sometimes with the help of parents or carers, the trees were handed in en masse at the various collection sites. And with success. This year, a total of 7134 Christmas trees were handed in. The collection locations in the neighbourhood were especially busy. No fewer than 6026 Christmas trees were handed in there, which is 84.5% of all trees collected. The remaining 1108 Christmas trees (15.5%) were brought to the environmental centres. Last year, 7177 trees were handed in during the collection campaign. This represents a slight decrease of -0.6% compared to the number of trees handed in last year. Although the total number is slightly lower, we can still speak of a successful collection campaign.


The collected Christmas trees are not burned but shredded immediately. By doing so, we reduce the emission of harmful substances into the air that are released during combustion. This is not only bad for the environment, but can also cause health problems in people. After shredding, the raw materials are recycled into compost or green gas. Christmas tree chippings are also used as soil improvers and ground cover. So your discarded Christmas tree is not waste, but a valuable raw material.

We thank everyone who helped with the annual Christmas tree collection. Together, this is how we keep our beautiful neighbourhood clean and tidy and contribute to a more sustainable future.