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The introduction of environmental cards in Vijfheerenlanden municipality has been delayed. This is due to persistent pressure around the introduction of the environmental cards in Hardinxveld-Giessendam and Gorinchem. In order to also help residents of Molenlanden and Vijfheerenlanden as much as possible with this change around waste collection, the Waardlanden board has decided to postpone the introduction of the environmental passes in Vijfheerenlanden to late October/early November 2023. The introduction of environmental passes in Molenlanden has not changed and is scheduled for early September. We will send residents of Vijfheerenlanden municipality a letter this week with an explanation and the adjusted schedule.

Everyone has to get used to changes

Hans van den Brule, director Waardlanden: 'We think it is important that everything is done carefully and we want to be able to help residents in a good way. That way we can work together towards a clean environment and waste-free future. Of course we were aware that introducing the new waste and raw materials policy would be challenging. It takes time to get used to changes: for residents, for municipalities and also for us. We therefore chose to implement the changes in phases for each municipality. In April, as planned, we first distributed the environmental cards and closed the collection containers in Hardinxveld-Giessendam. We then did the same in Gorinchem in May. Especially the introduction of the environmental cards in Gorinchem requires more care and attention than we had expected beforehand.'

More time and attention needed

Our customer contact centre, which has now doubled in capacity, receives many questions from residents. For example, residents from Hardinxveld-Giessendam and Gorinchem have questions about an environmental pass they have not received. Before a new pass can be issued, the cause must first be carefully investigated. Furthermore, many residents are reapplying for containers that were previously handed in. These residents have now started separating their waste. Furthermore, many businesses apply for a business pass. It appears that some companies have misused the collection containers meant for household waste for business waste. And of course, Waardlanden and the municipalities receive many questions about waste and raw materials policy. Many residents also visit the website themselves: It contains a lot of additional information and answers to frequently asked questions.

Van den Brule: "We thank everyone for their understanding and patience during this challenging period of change. Our teams are doing their best to keep everything on track and help residents. Our supervisors also speak to residents about their behaviour if they put waste next to the container or dump it somewhere else, because pollution of public spaces is not good for the safety and public health of the neighbourhood. If a conversation and warning are not enough, our supervisors will apply urgent administrative enforcement.'

Do you have a question about Supervision and Enforcement?

> Find answers to frequently asked questions on supervision and enforcement here

With environmental pass to the waste disposal site

By December 2023, all residents will need the environment pass to access our waste recycling centres. For this purpose, residents of the outlying areas in the municipalities of Gorinchem, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Molenlanden and Vijfheerenlanden will also receive an environment pass per household later this year. For residual waste, these residents have a container with chip at their homes. With the environment pass, they will not have access to the collection containers for residual waste in built-up areas.

More information and tips

By separating waste better and reducing it at home as much as possible, we can process waste as raw materials and work towards a cleaner environment and a waste-free future. The ultimate goal is to reduce the amount of waste per person per year from 232 kilograms in 2020 to 100 kilograms in 2025. Together with the municipalities, we want to encourage and help all residents to reduce waste and separate it even better. Helpful tips and information can be found at: