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With 5212 kilos of collected textiles, the Johannes Calvijnschool from Leerdam is the outright winner of the Textile Competition 2023 in Vijfheerenlanden. Between 6 and 17 November, they competed against 3 other waste-free primary schools to collect as many textiles as possible for their school. They learned in a fun way about the impact of the garment industry on the environment and the importance of saving resources by reusing and recycling clothes. Alderman Ton van Maanen of Vijfheerenlanden municipality, education officer Ozan Cimen of Waardlanden and Johan van de Zande of Opnieuw & Co, visited the winning school on Thursday 23 November and presented the school with a nice compensation and cakes.  

Great result through cooperation 

Pupils at Johannes Calvin School have been working hard to collect as many textiles as possible over the past few weeks. They went along the doors to collect discarded clothes and got help from their surroundings and family. For example, a grandfather brought as much as 574 kilos of clothes with a trailer to help his five grandchildren. It shows that if we work together, we can achieve a lot and do something good for our planet. In the end, the children of the winning school managed to collect 5212 kilos of textiles. Which amounts to an impressive average of over 16 kilos of textiles per pupil, equivalent to about 3 large rubbish bags full. CBS De Ontdekking from Hei- en Boeicop finished a fine second place. They collected an average of 14 kilos of textiles per pupil for their school. 

7473 kilos of textiles for reuse and recycling   

For weeks, 583 primary school pupils from four waste-free primary schools in Vijfheerenlanden collected as many textiles as possible. Such as clothes, towels, sheets, kitchen towels, curtains, soft toys, pieces of fabric and shoes. Thanks to the successful school battle, a total of 7473 kilos of textiles were saved from the incinerator. A great development, because the clothing industry is growing enormously fast and we buy more and more low-quality clothes that often end up in the residual waste afterwards.  Again &Co carries through clothing collection  contribute to local recycling and employment. 


All participating schools receive € 0.20 per kilo of textile collected from Opnieuw & Co from Leerdam. Each school can spend the proceeds on fun activities or donate them to a good (sustainable) cause in the region. Opnieuw & Co doubles the proceeds for the winning school. Alderman Ton van Maanen, together with Ozan Cimen and Johan van de Zande, visited the proud school to hand over a cheque with the sum of no less than € 2084.80 and delicious cakes. Van Maanen: 'Taking part in the textile competition helps raise awareness about textile reuse and recycling among pupils and their immediate environment. It is great to see how enthusiastic the pupils are and how many textiles they have collected not only for their school, but also for a better environment.'  

Give textiles a second life 

Every year, as many as 169 million kilos of textiles unnecessarily end up in the residual waste that is incinerated. Making, using and throwing away clothes is not good for the environment. It causes additional air, soil and water pollution and a lot of plastic waste. Do you also have textiles lying around at home that you no longer use or wear? Then don't throw it away, but give it a second life. Give it to someone who can use it or sell it. For example, take it to a thrift shop or the gift shop. Deliver it to a Waardlanden recycling centre or put it in a collection container for textiles in the neighbourhood. This may also include broken and worn textiles so that they can be reused or recycled.

Participants and organisation Textile Competition  

Participating in the Textile Competition in Vijfheerenlanden were: CBS De Ontdekking from Hei- en Boeicop and the Eben-Haëzer School from Leerboek and CBS Juliana and the Johannes Calvijn School from Leerdam. Opnieuw & Co, municipality Vijfheerenlanden and Waardlanden organised the Textile Competition with the joint aim of reducing waste, reusing raw materials and teaching children about recycling and sustainability in a fun way.