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In Hardinxveld-Giessendam municipality, alderman Jan Nederveen will take over the seat on the board from alderman Arjan Meerkerk. This completes the new composition of the board.

Our organisation is a partnership of the municipalities of Gorinchem, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Molenlanden and Vijfheerenlanden. The board consists of an alderman from each of these municipalities.

In January, alderman Jan Nederveen took over the tasks for environment and sustainability from alderman Arjan Meerkerk. Therefore, he now also takes over his seat on the board. On Monday 26 February, the first formal board meeting took place in this renewed composition. During this meeting, the roles on the board were also divided. The new division of roles is as follows:

  • Chairman: Arco Bikker, alderman municipality of Molenlanden
  • Vice-chairman/portfolio holder Implementation: Mark de Boer, alderman municipality of Gorinchem
  • Finance/ICT/other business portfolio holder: Ton van Maanen, alderman Vijfheerenlanden municipality
  • Personnel portfolio holder: Jan Nederveen, alderman of the municipality of Hardinxveld-Giessendam

Bestuur Waardlanden | Studio Retouched

(📷 Studio Retouched)

Bestuur Waardlanden: alderman Mark de Boer, alderman Ton van Maanen, alderman Arco Bikker and alderman Jan Nederveen